To scientists :
- Integrated access to unique research infrastructures (aquaculture and mesocosm experimental facilities, underwater biotechnology park, laboratories for -omic technologies, isolation and bioactivity control) for marine research
- Access to the unique ecosystems of the Eastern Mediterranean
- Connection to other European and national infrastructures (LIFEWATCH, ELIXIR, Euro-BioImaging, AQUAEXCEL, AQUACOSM) and networking with the national and international research community
- Ability to design and execute large-scale interdisciplinary projects and research of high research value
To business :
Contribution to Blue Growth by exploiting of marine resources on multiple levels, such as:
- Discovery, characterization and isolation of natural products of high commercial value from marine organisms (eg bioactive substances with pharmaceutical use, cosmetics, etc.)
- Development of new cultivates (eg micro-algae and sponges) of high commercial and biotechnological value (food production, substance isolation)
- Advancement and diversification of aquaculture
- Development of offshore multipurpose platforms (for offshore aquaculture, energy production, etc.)