CMBR provides expert advice on Mediterranean aquaculture, on technical procedures concerning finfish hatcheries and on the quantification of fish phenotype. Expert advice is also provided on the potential dietary and pharmaceutical value of marine-derived products.
Experimental design
- Expert advice on Mediterranean aquaculture (aquaculture, nutrition, diet formulation, reproduction, pathogens)
UNIVERSITY OF CRETE - School of Medicine
Evaluation of potential bioactive substances and related products
- Expert advice on the potential value of marine-derived products as dietary supplements or pharmaceutical products for human diseases
Ontology-based data modelling and integration
- Expert advice and support on modelling and integrating data about mesocosm experiments (sampling, measurements, sequencing, etc.) by using established modelling standards, in particular CIDOC-CRM (ISO 21127:2014) and its compatible models (CRM-SCI, CRM-DIG, PARTHENOS) Contact person: Pavlos Fafalios (
UNIVERSITY OF CRETE - Biology Department

Experimental Design
- Expert advice on the control, certification and improvement of larval and juvenile quality in finfish hatcheries
- Expert advice on the quantification of fish phenotype for its integration in selective breeding programs