- CMBR web conference, Heraklion - Greece, 12-13 May 2021; Blue Growth in the Eastern Mediterranean: Challenges and opportunities, https://cmbr.hcmr.gr/blue-growth-conference/
- Presentation of the CMBR Infrastructures; High Performance Computing Cluster and Micro-CT (oral talk). FORTH, Heraklion - Crete, 11-13 October 2019 Pafilis E, Gioti A, Keklikoglou N, Kotoulas G. The ELIXIR-GR Marine -omics pilot action and the LifeWatch-GR microCT vLab. Hellenic Bioinformatics
- Presentation of High Performance Computing Cluster for Biological Analysis (poster). FORTH, Heraklion - Crete, 11-13 October 2019 Potirakis A, Ninidakis S, Lagnel J, Ha V Q, Perantinos G, Panteri E, Sarropoulou E, Manousaki, T, Pavloudi C, Gioti A, Zafeiropoulos H, Tsamis G, Kasapidis P, Tsigenopoulos C, Kotoulas G, Sidirokastritis D, Pafilis E, Arvanitidis C, Magoulas A. ZORBAS: the HPC cluster for biological analysis in IMBBC, HCMR (poster)
- Reference to the CMBR infrastructure, specifically to the data to be generated by multiomics platform (oral talk). ΙΙΒΕΑ, Athens - Greece, Elixir Greece All hands meeting, 4 September 2019 Pafilis E, Kotoulas G, Gioti A. HCMR IMBBC & Elixir-Greece Marine -omics pilot action
- Presentation of the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete Infrastructure (oral talk), Sopot - Poland, 24-27 April 2019 Dailianis T, Dounas C, Androulakis D, Gerovasileiou V, Glampedakis I, Skouradakis G, Chatzigeorgiou, G, Koulouri P, Magoulas A. The Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete, a multi-use experimental platform in the Eastern Mediterranean. 5th European Conference on Scientific Diving
- Presentation of the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete Activities (poster), Sopot - Poland, 24-27 April 2019 Digenis M, Gerovasileiou V, Chatzigeorgiou G, Dailianis T, Arvanitidis C (accepted). Biodiversity assessment in a unique marine cave of Crete (Eastern Mediterranean): sessile macrobenthos. 5th European Conference on Scientific Diving
- Presentation of actions of a National Pilot Platform for the discovery of bioactive metabolites of marine origin (poster), EMBO-Workshop, Norwich - UK, 14-18 July 2019 Emilia Grypioti, Hugues Richard, Angela Falciatore, Kriton Kalantidis and Frédéric Verret. Characterization of RNA silencing pathways and physiological roles in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The molecular life of diatoms
- Presentation of actions of a National Pilot Platform for the discovery of bioactive metabolites of marine origin (poster), MikroBioKosmos, Patras - Greece, 18-19 April 2019 Grypioti Emilia, Kalantidis K., Verret F. Characterization of RNA silencing pathways and physiological roles in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
- Presentation of actions of a National Pilot Platform for the discovery of bioactive metabolites of marine origin (oral talk), MikroBioKosmos, Patras - Greece, 18-19 April 2019 Grypioti Emilia, Kalantidis K., Verret F. Characterization of RNA silencing pathways and physiological roles in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
- Presentation of CMBR program results (oral talk), Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health, Lisbon- Portugal, 28-31 July 2019 Ioannou E., Roussis V. Milking the blue: from small bioactive molecules to biopolymers of marine origin for biomedical applications
- Presentation of the CMBR program (oral talk), 12th Pan-Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, Ionian University, Corfu - Greece, 30 May - 3 June 2018 Magoulas A, Kasapidis P. and CMBR consortium. “Centre for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources” (CMBR)
- Presentation of the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete Activities (poster), 12th Pan-Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, Ionian University, Corfu - Greece, 30 May - 3 June 2018 Rallis I, Sedano F, Florido M, Chatzigeorgiou G, Dailianis T, Tsiamis K, Dounas C, Gkelis S, Gerovasileiou V. Baseline survey of sessile benthos on artificial reefs deployed in the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete: Preliminary results
- Presentation of the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete Activities (poster), 12th Pan-Hellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries, Ionian University, Corfu - Greece, 30 May - 3 June 2018 Florido M, Świacka K, Sedano F, Rallis I, Plaitis W, Dailianis T, Dounas C, Gerovasileiou V, Chatzigeorgiou G. Macrofaunal assemblages on artificial reefs deployed in the Underwater Biotechnological Park of Crete: Preliminary results
- Reference to the CMBR infrastructure, specifically to the data to be generated by multiomics platform (oral talk), Elixir Greece kick off meeting, EIE, Athens - Greece, 25 January 2018 E. Pafilis, HCMR IMBBC & Elixir-Greece Marine -omics pilot action
- Presentation of CMBR program results (oral talk), Natural Compounds in Cancer Prevention and Therapy, 3rd Edition: Trends in methods and modelling, Naples -Italy, 4-7 September 2018 Roussis V., Ioannou E. Untapping the potential of marine life for biomedical applications
- Reference to the EMBRC infrastructure, specifically to the High Performance Computing Platform (oral talk), Pasteur Institute, Athens - Greece, 26 January 2016, Elixir Greece meeting E. Pafilis, HCMR IMBBC HPC Resources